Journal Articles

In English

  1. Chang-ching Lin and Yun-chien Chang. 2025. Learning or Networking? A Causal Story of Changes in Reversal Rates. Journal of Legal Studies 54(1):43–81. (SSCI)
  2. Yun-chien Chang, Adam Chilton, Nuno Garoupa & Mila Versteeg. 2025. Colonial Experiences and Contemporary Laws. Journal of Law and Empirical Analysis 2(1):1–29.
  3. Han-wei Ho, Patrick Chung-Chia Huang, Nuno Garoupa, Martin Wells, Yun-chien Chang, and Tom Ginsburg. 2024. Machine-Learning Human Rights. Journal of Law and Empirical Analysis 1(2).
  4. Yun-chien Chang, Siehchuen Huang, and Su-Li Her. 2024 forthcoming. Son Preference: An Empirical Study of Estate Distribution in Wills. Cornell International Law Journal. (SSCI)
  5. Yun-chien Chang, David Ta-wei Hung, Chang-ching Lin, and Joseph Tao-yi Wang. 2024. Emotional Bargaining After Litigation: An Experimental Study of the Coase Theorem. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 21(4):786–825. (SSCI)
  6. Yun-chien Chang & Peng-Hsiang Wang. 2024. The Empirical Foundation of Normative Arguments in Legal Reasoning. European Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 1(1): 69–88.
  7. Yun-chien Chang and Chang-ching Lin. 2024. Do Parties Negotiate After Trespass Litigation? An Empirical Study of Coasean Bargaining. Journal of Law and Empirical Analysis 1(1):33–51.
  8. Ching-fang Hsu, Ivan Kan-hsueh Chiang, and Yun-chien Chang. 2024. Lawyers’ Legal Aid Participation: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 21(2):337–374. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1111/jels.12385.
  9. Yun-chien Chang and Geoffrey Miller. 2024. Decay of Precedents in State Supreme Courts. N.Y.U. Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 26(2):309–347.
  10. Yun-chien Chang, Kong-Pin Chen, Jen-Che Liao, and Chang-ching Lin. 2023. Ask More, Awarded More: Evidence from Taiwan’s Courts. International Review of Law & Economics 76 (106171):1–11. (SSCI)
  11. Yun-chien Chang and Geoffrey Miller. 2023. Do Judges Matter?. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 179:224–246. (SSCI)
  12. Yun-chien Chang and Daniel Klerman. 2022. Settlement Around the World: Settlement Rates in the Largest Economies. Journal of Legal Analysis 14:80–175. (SSCI)
  13. Lauren Yu-Hsin Lin and Yun-chien Chang. 2022. Do State-Owned Enterprises Have Worse Corporate Governance? An Empirical Study of Political Control and Corporate Practices in China. European Business Organization Law Review 23:711–734. (SSCI)
  14. Yun-chien Chang and William Hubbard. 2021. New Empirical Tests for Classic Litigation Selection Models. American Law and Economics Review 23:348–394. (SSCI)
  15. Anu Bradford, Yun-chien Chang, Adam Chilton, and Nuno Garoupa. 2021. Do Legal Origins Predict Legal Substance?. Journal of Law and Economics 64:207–231. (SSCI)
  16. Yun-chien Chang, Nuno Garoupa, and Martin Wells. 2021. Drawing the Legal Family Tree: An Empirical Comparative Study of 170 Dimensions of Property Law in 129 Jurisdictions. Journal of Legal Analysis 13(1):231–282. (SSCI)
  17. Yun-chien Chang and Xin Dai. 2021. The Limited Usefulness of Proportionality Principle. International Journal of Constitutional Law (I˙CON) 19(3):1110–1134. (SSCI)
  18. Xin Dai and Yun-chien Chang. 2021. Cost-Benefit Reasoning Versus Proportionality: A Rejoinder. I˙CONnect [official blog of International Journal of Constitutional Law].
  19. Yun-chien Chang. 2021. Adverse Possession Laws in 203 Jurisdictions: Proposal for Reform. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law43:373–433. (SSCI)
  20. Yun-chien Chang and Geoffrey Miller. 2021. Regional Common Law. The Journal of the Legal Profession 45(Spring): 151–181.
  21. Yun-chien Chang. 2020. The Good-Faith Purchase Doctrine in 247 Jurisdictions. European Property Law Journal 9(2–3), 133–156.
  22. Chang-ching Lin, Yun-chien Chang, and Kong-Pin Chen. 2020. Knowledge in Youth is Wisdom in Age: An Empirical Study of Attorney Experience in Torts Litigation. International Review of Law and Economics 63(105913): 1–12. (SSCI)
  23. Yun-chien Chang and Su-hao Tu. 2020. Two-way Selection Between Flat-fee Attorneys and Litigants: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses. European Journal of Law and Economics 49:131–164. (SSCI)
  24. Yun-chien Chang and Henry E. Smith. 2019. Convergence and Divergence in Systems of Property Law: An Empirical Analysis. Southern California Law Review 92:785–808. (SSCI).
  25. Yun-chien Chang and Richard A. Epstein. 2019. Introduction to the Symposium on Convergence and Divergence in Private Law. Southern California Law Review 92:741–749. (SSCI).
  26. Yun-chien Chang. 2018. Wealth Transfer Laws in 153 Jurisdictions: An Empirical Comparative Law Approach. Iowa Law Review 102(5): 1915–1944. (SSCI)
  27. Yu-Hsin Lin and Chang Yun-chien. 2018. An Empirical Study of Corporate Default Rules and Menus in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 15(4), 875-915. (SSCI)
  28. Yun-chien Chang and Ke Xu. 2018. Decentralized and Anomalous Interpretation of Chinese Private Law: Understanding a Bureaucratic and Political Judicial System. Minnesota Law Review 102(4):1527–1562. (SSCI)
  29. Yu-Hsin Lin and Chang Yun-chien. 2017. Does Mandating Cumulative Voting Weaken Controlling Shareholders? A Difference-in-differences Approach. International Review of Law and Economics 52:111–123. (SSCI)
  30. Yun-chien Chang, Theodore Eisenberg, Tsung Hsien Li, and Martin T. Wells. 2017. Pain and Suffering Damages in Personal Injury Cases: An Empirical Study. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 14:199–237. (SSCI)
  31. Yun-chien Chang. 2016. Hybrid Rule: Hidden Entitlement Protection Rule in Access to Landlocked Land Doctrine. Tulane Law Review 91: 217–257.
  32. Yun-chien Chang. 2016. The Problematic Concept of Possession in DCFR: Lessons from Law and Economics of Possession. European Journal of Property Law 5(1):4–25.
  33. Yun-chien Chang, Han-wei Ho, and Jimmy Chia-hsin Hsu. 2016. Non-pecuniary Damages for Defamation, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death: An Empirical Analysis of Court Cases in Taiwan. The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 4(1): 69–97.
  34. Yun-chien Chang and Henry E. Smith. 2015. The Numerus Clausus Principle, Property Customs, and the Emergence of New Property Forms. Iowa Law Review 100: 2275–2308. (SSCI)
  35. Yun-chien Chang and Richard A. Epstein. 2015. Introduction to Spontaneous Order and Emergence of New Systems of Property. Iowa Law Review 100: 2249–2254. (SSCI)
  36. Yun-chien Chang, Theodore Eisenberg, Han-wei Ho, Martin T. Wells. 2015. Pain and Suffering Damages in Wrongful Death Cases: An Empirical Study. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 12(1): 128–160. (SSCI)
  37. Yun-chien Chang. 2015. An Economic and Comparative Analysis of the Accession Doctrine. European Journal of Law and Economics 39(2): 225–243. (SSCI)
  38. Yun-chien Chang. 2015. Optional Law in Property: Theoretical Critiques and a New View of the Cathedral. New York University Journal of Law and Liberty 9(2): 459–512.
  39. Yun-chien Chang. 2015. Condominium Law in Taiwan: Doctrinal Overview under the Lens of Information-Cost Theory. Asia Pacific Law Review 23:89–120. (SSCI)
  40. Yun-chien Chang and Lee Anne Fennell. 2014. Partition and Revelation. The University of Chicago Law Review 81: 27–51. (SSCI).
  41. Yun-chien Chang and Lee Anne Fennell. 2014. Appendices to Partition and Revelation. The University of Chicago Law Review Dialogue 81:1–13.
  42. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. An Empirical Study of Administrative Appeal in Taiwan. Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 23(2): 261–304.
  43. Yun-chien Chang. 2013. Tenancy in “Anticommons”? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Co-ownership. Journal of Legal Analysis 4: 515–553. (SSCI)
  44. Yun-chien Chang and Henry E. Smith. 2012. An Economic Analysis of Common versus Civil Law Property. Notre Dame Law Review 88(1): 1–55. (SSCI).
  45. Yun-chien Chang. 2012. Self-Assessment of Takings Compensation: An Empirical Study. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 28(2): 265–285. (SSCI).
  46. Yun-chien Chang. 2012. Economic Value or Fair Market Value: What Form of Takings Compensation Is Efficient? Supreme Court Economic Review 20: 35–88.
  47. Yun-chien Chang. 2012. Property Law with Chinese Characteristics: An Economic and Comparative Analysis. Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal 1: 345–372.
  48. Yun-chien Chang. 2011. An Empirical Study of Court-Adjudicated Takings Compensation in New York City: 1990–2003Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 8(2): 384–412. (SSCI).
  49. Yun-chien Chang. 2010. An Empirical Study of Compensation Paid in Eminent Domain Settlements: New York City 1990–2002. Journal of Legal Studies 39: 201–244. (SSCI).
  50. Yun-chien Chang. 2009. Empire Building and Fiscal Illusion? An Empirical Study of Government Official Behaviors in Takings. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 6:541–584. (SSCI).

Book Reviews and Responses

  1. Yun-chien Chang. 2025 forthcoming. Efficiency Analysis of Property Law: A Response to Profs. Dan Klerman, Ronit Levine-Schnur, and Nicole Summers. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies. [Responses to book reviews by Dan Klerman, Ronit Levin-Schnur, Nicole Summers on my 2023 book, Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses (Cambridge University Press).]
  2. Yun-chien Chang. 2024. “Never Enough”: Responses to Three Book Reviews. Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 33:477–487. [Responses to book reviews by Tom Merrill, Katrina Wyman, and Weilin Xiao on my 2023 book, Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses (Cambridge University Press).]
  3. Yun-chien Chang. 2022. Property Rights: (Probabilistically) Necessary or Sufficient for Economic Development in China and Beyond?. Law & Social Inquiry 47:722–733. (SSCI). [A Review on Frank Upham’s The Great Property Fallacy (Cambridge University Press, 2018).]

In Chinese

  1. Kuan-ting Chen & Yun-chien Chang. 2024. How to Do Legal Interpretation with Comparative Law: A Methodological Reflection and Reconstruction. National Taiwan University Law Journal 53(2):293–361. (TSSCI)
  2. Yun-chien Chang. 2024. Comparative Law as Double Causal Inferences: Using Empirical Studies on How Civil Procedural Law Reform Affects Settlement Rates as Examples. Academia Sinica Law Journal 34:81-152. (TSSCI)
  3. Yun-chien Chang. 2024. Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses: Implications for the Local Legal Community. Taiwan Law Review 351: 167–179.
  4. Siehchuen Huang, Yun-chien Chang, and Su-Li Her. 2023. Discrimination in Afterlife? An Empirical Study on Gender Preference in Distributing Estates by Will. Academia Sinica Law Journal 32:149–205. (TSSCI)
  5. Siehchuen Huang, Yun-chien Chang, Su-Li Her, and Yu-Ting Chen. 2023. An Empirical Study of 3179 Notarized or Authenticated Wills. Taiwan Notary Law Review 19:2–19.
  6. Yun-chien Chang. 2023. The Concept of Obligation: Deconstruction and Reconstruction. Peking University Law Journal 35(1):85–105. (CLSCI)
  7. Yun-chien Chang. 2022. An Empirical Comparative Study of Co-ownership Forms. Renmin University Law Review 2022(1):3–26.
  8. Yun-chien Chang. 2022. Legal Tech. Taiwan Jurist 238:61–63.
  9. Yun-chien Chang. 2022. Five Approaches to Empirical Comparative Law. Taiwan Law Review 326:59–78. Collected in Legal Methodology: Jurisprudence (Angle Press, 2023)
  10. Yun-chien Chang. 2021. A General Theory of Estate: An Economic Analysis of Article 1122 of the Chinese Civil Code. SUFE Law and Business Review 1:258–267.
  11. Yun-chien Chang. 2021. New Conceptualization of Possession and Trust: A Hohfeldian Analytical Approach. Business and Economic Law Review 2021(6):54–71.
  12. Ke Xu and Yun-chien Chang. 2021. The Unified Application of the Civil Code: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses. Tsinghua Law Journal 15(5):89–110 (CLSCI)
  13. Yun-chien Chang. 2021. Demolish or Not? An Empirical Study of Building Encroachment Cases in 2009–2020. Court Case Times 103: 84–101.
  14. Yun-chien Chang. 2020. The Relational Nature of Property: A Fundamental Critique of German Private Law Theory. Peking University Law Journal 32(3):720–742. (CLSCI)
  15. Yun-chien Chang. 2020. The Property Structure of Rural Cultivated Land in China: Rethinking Membership Right and Tripartite Property Right. Nanjing University Law Journal 1: 81–100.
  16. Yun-chien Chang, Ivan Kan-hsueh Chiang, and Ching-fang Hsu. 2020. Who Are Robin Hood Lawyers? Quantitative and Qualitative Studies on Legal Aid Lawyers in Taiwan. Legal Aid and Society Review 4:25–55.
  17. Yun-chien Chang. 2020. The Private Law Nature and Compensation Basis for Private Land Used for Public Passage: A New Path Created by Constitutional Court Interpretation No. 747. Taipei University Law Review 113:1–47. (TSSCI)
  18. Yun-chien Chang and Chung-Jau Wu. 2019. The Problematic Contractual and Property Arrangements Regarding Columbarium Pagoda. National Taiwan University Law Journal 48(4):1967–2021. (TSSCI)
  19. Sieh-chuen Huang and Yun-chien Chang. 2019. A General Theory of Inheritability: Guaranty Contract as a Prime Example. Academia Sinica Law Journal 25: 285–353. (TSSCI)
  20. Peng-Hsiang Wang and Yun-chien Chang. On the Use of Economic Analysis in Legal Methodology. National Taiwan University Law Journal 48(3): 791–871. (TSSCI)
  21. Yun-chien Chang and Sieh-chuen Huang. Reconceptualizing Estate and Protecting Creditors: Theory and Reform Proposals. Taipei University Law Review 110: 171–226. (TSSCI)
  22. Yun-chien Chang. 2019. Causal Revolution in Empirical Legal Studies. China Law Review 2019(2): 135–141.
  23. Yun-chien Chang. Positioning Chinese Property Law in the World: A Quantitative Comparative Law Approach. Global Law Review 41(1): 81–101. (CLSCI)
  24. Chi Chen, Han-wei Ho, and Yun-chien Chang. 2019. An Empirical Study of Criminal Cases Regarding Food Safety. Court Case Times 79: 91–
  25. Xin Dai and Yun-chien Chang. 2018. The Problematics of the Proportionality Principle. Peking University Law Journal 30(6): 1519–1545. (CLSCI)
  26. Yun-chien Chang. 2018. The Limitation and Compensation of Property Rights: A New Theoretical Framework. Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy 30(4): 505–535. (TSSCI)
  27. Yun-chien Chang and Jinhua Chen. 2018. Methodological Coordinates of Empirical Legal Studies. China Law Review 2018(6): 73–89.
  28. Yun-chien Chang, Kong-pin Chen, and Chang-ching Lin. 2018. Anchoring Effect and Judicial Decisions: Reform Proposals Based on Empirical Studies. Peking University Law and Finance Review 3: 3–10.
  29. Yun-chien Chang. 2018. Incorporated Organizations and Unincorporated Organizations according to the Theory of Asset Partitioning: A Missing Piece in General Provisions of Civil Code in China. Peking University Law Journal 30(1): 59–83. (CLSCI)
  30. Yun-chien Chang. 2017. An Economic Analysis of Good-faith Purchase of Chattels. Academia Sinica Law Journal 21: 81–153. (TSSCI)
  31. Yun-chien Chang. 2017. Organization Forms for Common-Interest Communities and Ownership of the Common Fund. Taiwan Law Review 269: 105–116.
  32. Yun-chien Chang. 2017. De Lege Ferenda of Civil Codes: The Good-faith Purchase Doctrine in China’s Property Act as An Example. Law and Economy 2017(4): 50–67.
  33. Yun-chien Chang, Han-Wei Ho & Tsung Hsien Li. 2017. An Empirical Study of Pain and Suffering Damages in Fatal Car-Accident Cases in Taiwan. Chengchi Law Review 149: 139– (TSSCI)
  34. Han-wei Ho and Yun-chien Chang. 2016. A Methodological Primer for Young Empirical Legal Scholars: Fixed Effects, Random Effects, and Clustered Standard Errors. Taiwan Law Review 259: 167–181.
  35. Chang-ching Lin, Kong-pin Chen, and Yun-chien Chang. 2016. A Methodological Primer for Young Empirical Legal Scholars: Censored Data and the Tobit Model. Taiwan Law Journal 303: 81–91.
  36. Yun-chien Chang. 2016. Prescriptive Acquisition of Chattels. Taiwan Law Review 255: 133–140.
  37. Yun-chien Chang. 2016. Venerable or Outdated? A Radical Proposal to Reform Prescriptive Acquisition Law in Taiwan. Academia Sinica Law Journal 18: 195–266. (TSSCI)
  38. Yun-chien Chang, Kong-Pin Chen, and Yu-sheng Liu. 2016. Unlawful Possession of Land and Unjust Enrichment Equivalent to Rent: Empirical Analysis and Policy Suggestions. Chengchi Law Review 144: 81–153. (TSSCI)
  39. Yun-chien Chang. 2016. Misquoted Prices in On-line Retailing Websites: An Economic Analysis. Chengchi Law Review 144: 155–225. (TSSCI)
  40. Yun-chien Chang. 2016. First Possession. Taiwan Law Review 251: 226–233.
  41. Yun-chien Chang and Tsung Hsien Li. 2015. Pain and Suffering Damages for Injury: An Empirical Study of District Court Cases in Taiwan. National Taiwan University Law Journal 44: 1785–1843. (TSSCI)
  42. Peng-Hsiang Wang and Yun-chien Chang. 2015. The Normative Significance of Empirical Dimension: On the Role of Empirical Studies in the Doctrinal Study of Law. Academia Sinica Law Journal 17: 205–294. (TSSCI)
  43. Yun-chien Chang. 2015. Unlawful Buildings: A Theoretical Construction of the Right of De Facto Disposal. NTPU Law Review 95: 55–97. (TSSCI)
  44. Yun-chien Chang. 2015. Separate Patrimony and Asset Partitioning: A Theoretical Framework. Cross-Strait Law Review 50: 87–104.
  45. Yun-chien Chang. 2015. The Contribution of Steven N.S. Cheung to Law and Economics Methodology. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Law Review 13: 27–36.
  46. Yun-chien Chang. 2015. Structure and Style of Property Law: The Case of Mortgage and Chattel Mortgage. Taiwan Law Review 241: 77–87.
  47. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. An Empirical Study of Boundary Encroachment Litigation. Academia Sinica Law Journal 14: 319–373. (TSSCI)
  48. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. Introduction to Property Law and Economics: Commons, Anitcommons, and Semicommons. Taiwan Law Review 232: 223–233.
  49. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. Introduction to Property Law and Economics: Economic Efficiency. Taiwan Law Review 231: 194–205.
  50. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. Introduction to Property Law and Economics: Ex Ante Viewpoint and Transaction Costs. Taiwan Law Review 230: 248–260.
  51. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. Revisiting the Debate on the Numerus Clausus Principle versus the Numerus Apertus Shanghai Jiao Tong University Law Review 2014 Summer: 119–135.
  52. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. Damages Calculation in Personal Injury Cases. Taiwan Law Review 228: 109–118.
  53. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. The Nature of Property. Nanjing University Law Review 2014 Spring: 185–200. (CSSCI)
  54. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. An Empirical Assessment Framework of Administrative Appeal Systems: With a Case Study of the Ministry of the Interior Administrative Appeal Cases in 2006–2009. Peking University Law Review 14(2): 344–388. (CSSCI).
  55. Yun-chien Chang. 2014. New Lyrics with Old Tunes: A Critical Review of the New Takings Law in Taiwan. Property and Economic Law Journal 40: 1–28.
  56. Yun-chien Chang. 2013. Chicago Law and Economics and China’s Property Law: A Methodological Primer. Law and Social Sciences 12: 1–19. (CSSCI)
  57. Yun-chien Chang. 2013. Reconceptualizing Possession. National Taiwan University Law Journal 42: 847–932. (TSSCI)
  58. Yun-chien Chang. 2013. An Economic Analysis of Boundary Encroachment. Academia Sinica Law Journal 12: 150–201. (TSSCI)
  59. Yun-chien Chang. 2013. Eminent Domain Compensation Law in Taiwan: Retrospect and Prospect. Taiwan Law Journal 218: 22–42.
  60. Yun-chien Chang. 2013. An Empirical Study of Legal Servitude of Passage Cases in Taiwan. Taiwan Law Review 216: 211–227.
  61. Yun-chien Chang. 2012. Legal Servitude of Passage: An Economic Analysis, National Taiwan University Law Journal 41: 1321–1372. (TSSCI)
  62. Yun-chien Chang. 2012. An Economic Analysis of Accessio and Confusio in Property Law, Cross Strait Law Review 36: 74–97.
  63. Yun-chien Chang. Takings Compensation Cases in Administrative Appeal Procedures: Empirical Observations and Reform Suggestions, Journal of New Perspectives on Law 36: 75–96.
  64. Yun-chien Chang. An Economic Analysis of the Article 826-1 of the Taiwan Civil Code: The Distinction Between Property Rights and Quasi-Property Rights, National Taiwan University Law Journal 40: 1255–1302. (TSSCI)
  65. Yun-chien Chang. Land Condemnation Compensation in Taiwan: Normative Standard and Empirical Study, Soochow Law Review 22: 27–64. (TSSCI)
  66. Yun-chien Chang. Property Customs in Taiwan: An Information Cost Perspective, Taiwan Law Review 188: 81–92.
  67. Yun-chien Chang. Is Freedom of Property Form Principle Efficient?: Interpretations of Article 757 of the Taiwan Civil Code and the Underlying Theory, Technology Law Review 7: 119–168.
  68. Yun-chien Chang. Takings Compensation Standard Pursuant to Article 30 of Land Condemnation Act: With an Overview of Relevant Supreme Administrative Court Cases Since 2000, Academia Sinica Law Journal 6: 167–206. (TSSCI)
  69. Yun-chien Chang. Trespass to Chattels versus Accession: One Room in the Cathedral, The Law Monthly 56: 12–39.
  70. Yun-chien Chang. Regulations of Food, Drug, and Dietary Supplement Advertisements, The Law Monthly 56: 31–56.
  71. Yun-chien Chang. Economic Analysis of Informational Privacy: Basic Theory, Blackmail, and Unmask, Taiwan Law Review 107: 166–183.
  72. Yun-chien Chang. 2003. The Taxonomy of Impossibility and the Responsibility Test in Contract Law, The Law Monthly 54: 89–108.
  73. Yun-chien Chang et al. 2003. Copyright of Music: An Economic Approach, Part II, Taiwan Law Journal 47: 178–190.
  74. Yun-chien Chang et al. 2003. Copyright of Music: An Economic Approach, Part I, 46 Taiwan Law Journal 46: 186–202.
  75. Yun-chien Chang. The Impact of Globalization and Internet on Health Care Regulation, Journal of Law and Medicine 11: 54–64.
  76. Yun-chien Chang. Economic Analysis of Ex Ante Objective Impossibility Doctrine in Contract Law, Taiwan Law Review 86: 155–166.
  77. Yun-chien Chang. 2001. Economic Analysis of Bona Fide Purchase of Personal Property, Taiwan Law Journal 27: 105–120.
  78. Yun-chien Chang. 2001. The Speech or Debate Clause of the U.S. Constitution: A Critical Reflection, The Constitutional Review 27: 124–150.
  79. Yun-chien Chang. 2000. Applicability of Double Insurance Doctrines to Personal Insurance: An Economic Analysis, Insurance Monograph 59: 143–186.

Book Reviews and Responses

  1. Yun-chien Chang. 2024. Responses to Book Reviews by Four Young Private Law Scholars. In Law and Social Science, Vol. 21(1), pp. 357–367. Beijing, China: Peking University Press.
  2. Yun-chien Chang. 2020. Two Negatives Make a Positive: A Rejoinder to My Book Reviewers. In Book Review, Vol. 13, pp.115–139. Beijing, China: Peking University Press.
  3. Yun-chien Chang. 2020. Law and Economics vs. Economic Analysis of Law: A Rejoinder to Prof. Jian He’s Book Review. Academia Sinica Law Journal 27:293–344. (TSSCI)
  4. Yun-chien Chang. 2017. A Social Scientific Approach to Comparative Law—A Book Review of Mark Ramseyer. 2015. Second Best Justice: The Virtue of Japanese Private Law. The University of Chicago Press. Academia Sinica Law Journal 20: 211–249. (TSSCI)

Supervised Translations

  1. Xiang-Yu Zhang trans. “They Saw a Protest” II. Taiwan Law Review 340: 177–192. (Original article: Dan M. Kahan et al., “They Saw a Protest”: Cognitive Illiberalism and the Speechconduct Distinction, 64 Stanford Law Review 851 (2012).)
  2. Xiang-Yu Zhang trans. “They Saw a Protest” I. Taiwan Law Review 339: 182–196. (Original article: Dan M. Kahan et al., “They Saw a Protest”: Cognitive Illiberalism and the Speechconduct Distinction, 64 Stanford Law Review 851 (2012).)